Advisory Board

Aaron Lyss Large

Chris Wojciechowski

Chris is a Treaty Reinsurance Broker with TigerRisk Partners, a client-centric global reinsurance intermediary, where he leads the production and servicing of Professional Liability treaty business for clients around the world. Chris is a nationally recognized thought leader on liability risk and the interplay between re/insurance and the broader capital markets. With extensive contacts throughout the industry, Chris will help Acadia expand its presence in the reinsurance and alternative risk segments. Driving fair competition by bringing capital to physicians taking downside risk in value-based care programs is core to Acadia’s national strategy. Chris will be essential in providing guidance and advisory to Acadia as we execute in these markets and navigate through these turbulent times for the benefit of our clients.


DRM coordinates, and helps clients navigate, several highly complex fields – delivering cutting-edge products and services.  DRM can equip medical practices of all sizes with the tools to compete with even the largest systems – all while helping them understand expensive cost drivers and improve care coordination.

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